

Heart Callings——Let us go home




Hello, dear friends, we are light angels from the center of the universe. We are gathering on the earth at this special and scared moment to achieve a common goal, which is finding our lost nearest and dearest.

当亲爱的你看到这些心灵之画的时候是否觉得有一种莫名的感动?当亲爱的你听到我们心灵之歌呼唤的时候,是否内心有一种强大的共鸣?当亲爱的你看到这些心灵文字的时候是否觉 得仿佛你明白其中的含义?当亲爱的你看到我们心灵舞蹈的时候,是否身心有一种能量的触动?

Dear one, did you affect by those soul paintings when you were watching them? Did you have the powerful emotional response in your heart when you heard our songs of heart callings? Did you feel that way as if you understood their meanings when you read these inspirational words? Did you touch by some sort of energy when you saw our soul dance?


Yes! Dear friends, light angels are transmitting positive cosmic energy, cosmic information and cosmic code from the center of the universe. In this way, they are trying to find their family members lost long time ago.

当你净下心来感受来自宇宙中心的光和爱时,你具足万能的真心就会显现妙用。请你放松、安静、尝试着跟随自己的真心随心吟唱。不用拘束,不用考虑,不用作词和谱曲,完全都是 随心、顺其自然的。当你开始了与自己的真心对话时,可以继续尝试讲出自己心中的语言——心灵之语。这是没有经过大脑考虑的,这是真心的自然流露。

When you are ready to calm down to feel light and love from the center of the universe, all magic functions will appear from your omnipotent pure natural original mind. Just be relaxed and calm, and try to sing whatever you want, following your heart, and dumping any constraint and consideration of music and lyric. Its totally natural and go-as-you-please. When you are beginning to communicate with your internal conscienceyou can speak out your heart language(deva language) which is not any thoughts from the brain.

亲爱的朋友,你还想继续尝试开启自己真心的妙用吗?加入我们吧! 我们都是来自宇宙中心的生命灵子,我们曾几何时迷失了回家的路,我们曾经都饱受身心的痛苦与煎熬。亲人们!让你受苦了。我们正在通过传递宇宙中心的光和爱寻找失散已久的你 ,再通过我们心与心的传递,找到更多迷路的灵儿。亲人们,找到我们,让我们一起心连心、手牵手和Osifu一起回家吧!

Dear friends, do you wish to start your magic conscience functions? Join us! We are all spirits from the center of the universe, but we lost our way home and are suffering from all kinds of physical and mental torments. Dear ones, sorry for your sufferings. We are searching for you by disseminating light and love of the center of the universe. We hope more and more lost spirits will find us, through mind to mind contract. Dears, we are sure that you can find us. Let’s connect hearts and hearts, hands and hands, and go home together with Osifu.

